The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/at/work/X954

Last update: Sat Nov 15 23:23:15 CET 2014
Pictures on this page: 8

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2005_07_03_Baufahrzeuge_1_GH_klein2.jpg (79645 bytes)

SKL X 954 and KL X 934 013-4 at Graz Puntigam.


Photo: Georg Hofer

2005_07_03_Baufahrzeuge_2_GH_klein2.jpg (85090 bytes)

SKL X 954 at Graz Puntigam.


Photo: Georg Hofer

2005_07_03_Baufahrzeuge_3_GH_klein2.jpg (83960 bytes)

SKL X 954 003-5 at Graz Puntigam.


Photo: Georg Hofer

2005_07_03_Baufahrzeuge_5_GH_klein2.jpg (88862 bytes)

SKL X 954 at Graz Puntigam.


Photo: Georg Hofer

2005_07_03_Baufahrzeuge_9_GH_klein2.jpg (83366 bytes)

SKL X 954 003-5 at Graz Puntigam.


Photo: Georg Hofer

SPL_X954_006-3_Puntigam1.jpg (118878 bytes)

SPL (Siemens Powerlines) SKL X 954 006-3 (Motorarbeitswagen). Service mass 37.6 t, maximum speed 80 km/h when operating alone, 100 km/h when transported in trains, maximum pulled weight 130 t, able to circulate on steep ramps. Photographed on a siding at Graz-Puntigam. 2003-03-14.

Photo: tobias b köhler

SPL_X954_006-3_Puntigam2.jpg (121060 bytes)

SPL (Siemens Powerlines) SKL X 954 006-3 (Motorarbeitswagen). On this end you can see the HIAB crane (supported on the adjacent materials car). Photographed on a siding at Graz-Puntigam. 2003-03-14.

Photo: tobias b köhler

SPL_X954_006-3_Puntigam3.jpg (90664 bytes)

SPL (Siemens Powerlines) SKL X 954 006-3 (Motorarbeitswagen), together with three small work cars KL X 934 and two flat cars. Photographed on a siding at Graz-Puntigam. 2003-03-14.

Photo: tobias b köhler
