Linz Hbf - Euro Ticket dispenser

At Linz Hauptbahnhof (Central Station), on 1 January 2002 there were a ratio of two-to-one, ticket machines that sold tram/bus tickets with the then-valid Austrian Schilling. Seen here is one of the then-few Euro ticket machines, that went online a few hours before this picture was taken. Since March 2002, the Schilling ticket machines were gradually replaced with Euro ticket machines.

The ticket purchased for 24 hours within Linz, cost me € 2,90, which was approximately ATS 40,00. It was the very first article that I have ever bought in Euro. The reason for that was that I had paid for a three-day-pass in Salzburg for approx ATS 160,00 (€ 11,60 as I remember) on 30th December 2001 when the Euro was not yet legal tender, and I had free breakfast at my accomodation in Salzburg (even though it was New Years Day) and did not have to buy anything from breakfast time until I arrived in Linz.

Please note that at the time the picture was taken, trams were still on street-level. In the last few years since the introduction of the Euro, the trams have been moved into tunnel and no longer stop at the stop as shown.

© 2002, 2006 Josh Hanz