Linz Hbf - Euro Ticket dispenser - closer view

At Linz Hauptbahnhof (Central Station), on 1 January 2002 there were a ratio of two-to-one, ticket machines that sold tram/bus tickets with the then-valid Austrian Schilling. Seen here is one of the then-few Euro ticket machines, that went online a few hours before this Picture was taken. Since March 2002, the Schilling ticket machines were gradually replaced with Euro ticket machines. This is a close view of the ticket machine.

The ticket purchased for 24 hours within Linz, cost me € 2,90, which was approximately ATS 40,00. It was the very first article that I have ever bought in Euro. The reason for that was that I had paid for a three-day-pass in Salzburg for approx ATS 160,00 (€ 11,60 as I remember) on 30th December 2001 when the Euro was not yet legal tender, and I had free breakfast at my accomodation in Salzburg (even though it was New Years Day) and did not have to buy anything from breakfast time until I arrived in Linz.

Please note that at the time the picture was taken, trams were still on street-level. In the last few years since the introduction of the Euro, the trams have been moved into tunnel and no longer stop at the stop as shown.

© 2002, 2006 Josh Hanz (