The steam locomotive 671 was built in 1860 by StEG Wien for the K.k. priv. Südbahngesellschaft as one of a series of 205 freight locomotives (series 23, later series 29). It was used for freight trains around Graz. In 1880 it received a new cab. After the first world war it received the number 49.03. In 1925 it came to the GKB, where the smokestack was replaced by a different type and the originally green livery was changed to black, and was used mostly for coal trains. The tender was renewed after the second world war. The locomotive remained in active service until 1970.

In 1975 the club Steirische Eisenbahnfreunde decided to preserve the 671 as a working museum locomotive. In 1978 it was ready to run again, in its original gren livery, and in 1988 the smokestack was replaced by a replica of the original type, so it represents the state between 1880 and 1925. In 2001 the museum services ended, as the boiler had reached the end of its lifespan.

A new boiler was built by Tschuda in Graz, and the whole locomotive was overhauled and received a new green livery and big brass numbers in the old Südbahn style.

First operation with a special train from Graz to Wies-Eibiswald and back. Deutschlandsberg, 2003-09-07.

tobias b köhler