Maurice Railroad Equipment Industry List (MREIL)

On this page you find information about manufacturers of railroad equipment in Europe. The emphasis lies on rolling stock.
This page is made by Maurice Janssen (M.J.W.JANSSEN@KUB.NL, after 1 september 1997: MJWJANSSEN@FREEMAIL.NL). If you have remarks, comments, updates, etc., please mail me.

I'm looking for someone who can write an article about the history and an article about the current developments of the (European) railroad equipment industry.

Maurice Railroad Equipment Industry List (MREIL)

Maurice Railroad Equipment Industry List with non-active companies (MREILNON), only Europe

Railroad Equipment Industry List of manufacturors of components (MREILCOM), only Europe

Related Railroad Equipment Industry List (RREIL), only Europe

Associations that represent European manufacturers of rolling stock

Article with history of the railroad equipment industry

Article with current developments of the railroad equipment industry (not present)

The European Railway Server

Homepage of Maurice Janssen

The last update of this page took place on the 21th of August 1997 by M.J.W. Janssen