Project Aurora, a fictive european operator with many routes in the EC mainland and the UK operates a mix of locomotive hauled and HST sets. To work alongside the high speed trains in the UK, following the west coast main line, Project Aurora has taken delivery of a handful of TGX sets.

Laid out like the old AP-T tilting passenger train, the TGX set has its powercar placed mid-way down the train with two sets of passenger cars, one set on each side. Each half of the train has its seats facing the control cars, which means airline seats only.

Equipped with airline seating which is 4 abreast in 2nd class and 3 abreast in first, the Aurora TGX sets have light pastel colours inside, with indirect lighting, the carriages are light and airy, though the fact that there are only fold-down tables in the seat backs is a drawback.

Compared to the TPR TGX sets, the Aurora UK sets are restricted to 180mph, though they are capable of far higher speeds when operating in the EC.

Mark Wilkes. e-mail: