KD electric trainsets

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
94 51 2122 301
EMU-3 1
1982 580
110 E 3000V= 0 212
Trainset class EN57 modernised by ZNTK Minsk in 2012-2015, nr. EN57AL-1501
94 51 2122 661
EMU-3 1
1991 580
110 E 3000V= 0 212
Trainset class EN57 modernised by NEWAG in 2013, nr. EN57AKD-1937
94 51 2122 481
EMU-3 1
1962 580
110 E 3000V= 0 212
Trainset class EN57 (nr. 1703) lightly modernised by ZNTK Minsk in 2016 "ENdolino"
94 51 2140 287
EMU-4 10
2013 2000
160 E 3000V= 0 202
New EMUs type 31WE "Impuls" built by NEWAG, similar to SKM-W trainsets class 19WE, nrs. 31WE 001-005/020-024
94 51 2140 508
EMU-3 6
2014 1600
160 E 3000V= 0
New EMUs type 36WEa "Impuls" built by NEWAG, 3-car version of type 31WE, nrs. 36WEa 011-016
90 51 2440 001
BMU-3 6
2021 1600

160 ED 3kV=+Diesel 0 150
New dual-mode "Impuls 2" trainsets built by NEWAG, 780kW and 120km/h on diesel, nrs. 36Weh-012 - 017 (opt. +2x)
94 51 2140 829
EMU-5 11
2017 2240

160 E 3000V= 0 249
New EMUs type 45WE "Impuls" built by NEWAG, similar to KM trainsets, nrs. 45WE 019-029
94 51 2141 698
EMU-5 25
2022 2000

160 E 3000V= 0 251
New EMUs "Elf 2" type 48WEc from PESA for 2 routes Jelcz Laskowice-Wroclaw Glowny, nrs. 48WEc 024-048 (10 more ordered 08/2024, opt. +10x)

KD diesel trainsets and motor cars

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
95 51 2810 048
DMU-1 1 2001 500
120 DH Diesel 0 60
Railbus "Partner" by PESA Bydgoszcz (type 214M), nr. SA106-011 (19 built)

DMU-2 2 2003 470
120 DH Diesel 0 70
Two-car development of class SA107 "Regio Van" (type 212M), restored from 2022, nrs. SA109-003/004 (11 built)
SA132 95 51 2720 050
DMU-2 1
2005 500
120 DH Diesel 0 160
Similar to class SA131 but with different engine (type 218Mb), nr. 002
95 51 2820 009
DMU-2 8 2008 780
120 DH Diesel 0 136
Two-car railbusses by PESA Bydgoszcz (type 218Md), nrs. SA134 003-007 and 023-025 (delivered 2011)
95 51 2810 018
DMU-1 9
2008 390
140 DH Diesel 0 60
Motor car version of class S22 by PESA Bydgoszcz (type 214Mb), last 6 delivered in 2010/2011, nrs. SA135 001-009
95 51 2720 144
DMU-2 4
2015 780
120 DH Diesel 0
New "LINK" DMUs from PESA (type 223M), originally built for Oberpfalzbahn(D), nrs. SA139 011-014

Last update: 30-08-2024