Trenitalia DPR locomotives

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
E.464 91 83 2464 000 Bo'Bo' 531
2000 3000 200 160 E 3000V= --- ---
One-cabin push-pull passenger locomotives by Bombardier, type TRAXX P160 DCP (717 built+1x from TFT, 79x used by DPNI/FTTI, 67x by Trenord, 16x to get last-mile batteries)
92 80 4185 000
DE Diesel --- ---
New diesel locomotive type DE18 from Vossloh, hired from Imateq, nrs. D.318.002-007
D.345 92 83 2345 000 Bo'Bo' 16
1974 785
130 DE Diesel --- ---
Diesel locomotives now only used for rescue and empty stock trains (145 built)
D.445 92 83 2445 000 B'B' 79
1974 1250
130 DE Diesel --- ---
Locomotives for all passenger diesel trains, electric heating (150 built)
D.145.1 98 83 2145 100 Bo'Bo' 1
1982 620
100 DE Diesel --- ---
Shunter for station pilot duties, nr. 1033 (38 built)

Trenitalia DPR shunters

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
214.1 98 83 2214 100 B 9
1970 67
35 DH Diesel --- ---
Small tractors, same engine as DMUs class ALn.668 (156 built)
214.4 98 83 2214 400 B 54
1979 75

30 DH Diesel --- ---
Small tractors used all over Italy (319 built)
214.7 98 83 2214 700 B 4
1964 74
35 DH Diesel --- ---
Small diesel tractors used around Pisa (20 built)
225.21 98 83 2225 100 B 2
1971 129
30/50 DH Diesel --- ---
Shunters mainly used on station pilot duties (50 built)
225.5 98 83 2225 500 B 6
1973 129
30/50 DH Diesel --- ---
Identical to class 225.21, but Jenbach engine instead of BRIF (45 built)
245.0 98 83 2245 000 C 6
1964 270

32/65 DH Diesel --- ---
Standard shunters, but wider bonnet than the rest (58 built)
245.1 98 83 2245 100 C 4
1965 258

32/65 DH Diesel --- ---
The real standard 3-axle shunter of FS, new engine (20 built)
245.2 98 83 2245 200 C 8
1965 258
32/65 DH Diesel --- ---
Identical to 245.1, except for engine (BRIF instead of Fiat) (20 built)
245.21 98 83 2245 300 C 18
1976 265
30/60 DH Diesel --- ---
Similar to class 245.2, mainly used on station pilot duties (186 built)
245.6 98 83 2245 600 C 2
1963 265

32/65 DH Diesel --- ---
Test class for 245.6010-6124, different looks, new engine (9 built)
245.601 98 83 2245 610 C 19
1965 265

32/65 DH Diesel --- ---
Identical to 245.1 after getting a new engine (115 built)

Last update: 22-08-2024