IE locomotives

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
071 92 60 2710 000 Co'Co' 18 1976 1360 289 144 DE Diesel --- ---
Locomotives now mainly used for freight/infrastructure, originally express locomotives (12 overhauled/modernized)
201 92 60 201x 000 Co'Co' 34 1994 2230 194 160 DE Diesel --- ---
Modern locomotives for express passenger trains (20 left 09/2020, nrs. 201-205/210-214/224/230 stored, 2x owned by NIR)

IE electric trainsets

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
8100 94 60 4810 000 EMU-2 38 1983 548
100 E 1500V= 0 144
Commuter EMUs on the DART line built by LHB(D), one EMU = 8100+8300(driving trailer), rebuilt 136 seats (40 built)
8500 94 60 4850 000 EMU-4 4 2001 1096
110 E 1500V= 0 160
Commuter EMUs for use around Dublin similar to withdrawn 8201, built by Mitsui Japan
8510 94 60 4851 000 EMU-4 3 2003 1096
110 E 1500V= 0 160
Additional EMUs from Mitsui for the DART system
8520 94 60 4852 000 EMU-4 10 2004 1096
110 E 1500V= 0 160
Additional EMUs from Mitsui for the DART system, similar to class 8511 but with air conditioning

IE diesel trainsets

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
22001 95 60 522x 000 DMU-3 21
2008 1080
160 DH Diesel 0 192
Modern InterCity DMUs from Mitsui and TCC(Japan), and Rotem(Korea), originally 43xEMU-3 and 20x EMU-6, nrs. 22001-010/046-063 (7 more enlarged to EMU-6)
22011 95 60 522x 000 DMU-4 20
2008 1080
160 DH Diesel 0
Modern InterCity DMUs from Mitsui and TCC(Japan), and Rotem(Korea), originally 43xEMU-3 and 20x EMU-6, nrs. 22011-030/041-045 (36/198 seats when with first class) (5 more enlarged to DMU-6)
22001 95 60 522x 000 DMU-6 12
2008 1080
160 DH Diesel 0
Modern InterCity DMUs from Mitsui and TCC(Japan), and Rotem(Korea), originally 43xEMU-3 and 20x EMU-6 (enlarged from DMU-3/4 in 2024)
22031 95 60 522x 000 DMU-6 10
2008 1080
160 DH Diesel 36
Modern InterCity DMUs from Mitsui and TCC(Japan), and Rotem(Korea), originally 43xEMU-3 and 20x EMU-6, nrs. 22031-040 (enlarged from DMU-5 in 2024)
DMU-2 8 1993 520
110 DH Diesel 0 129
Hydraulic DMUs used on local services around Cork, 17 motor cars
DMU-2 10 2000 520
120 DH Diesel 0 85
Modern DMUs built by Tokyu Car Japan, used around Limerick and for Manulla Junction-Ballina shuttle, 20 motor cars
29000 95 60 529x 000 DMU-4 29
2003 1040
120 DH Diesel 0 187
Modern large DMUs from CAF in Spain used around Dublin

IE (RPSI) mainline historic locomotives

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
2'B 1 1901

96 S Steam --- ---
Express passenger steam locomotive for Great Northern Railway (Ireland) nr. 131, restored in 2018
1'C 1 1922

S Steam --- ---
Steam locomotive, former Dublin & South Eastern Railway nr. 15, nr. 461, restored in 2011
2'B 1 1932

S Steam --- ---
Compound steam locomotive, former GNR(I)/GNRB nr. 85 "Merlin", restored in 2014 (5 built)
1'C2't 1 1947

S Steam --- ---
Steam locomotive, former LMS (Northern Counties Committee) nr. 4
Bt 1 1919

S Steam --- ---
Small saddle tank steam shunting locomotive nr. 3BG
Bo'Bo' 2
1962 529 167 120 DE Diesel --- ---
Historic diesel locomotives "small GM", transferred to RPSI in 2009, nrs. B141/B142 (37 built)

IE ordered trainsets

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class

EMU-5 37

E 1500V= 0 184
Trainsets for DART system based on Alstom X'Trapolis platform, 31x with additional battery power (opt. +565 cars)

Last update: 01-02-2025