EBS electric locomotives

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
140 91 80 6140 000
Bo'Bo' 4
1957 3620 275 110 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Second-hand DB Cargo electric freight locomotives, nrs. 140 772/789/811/815
142 91 80 6142 000
Bo'Bo' 2
1967 2740 245 100 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Old DR passenger locomotives bought second-hand from TPF(CH)/DP, nrs. 142 110 (former Ae 417 191) and nr. 145 (DP 67)
143 91 80 6143 000 Bo'Bo' 5
1984 3540 240 120 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Former class DR243 universal locomotives "Schienentrabi", second-hand from DB/MEG, nrs. 143 056/124/822/848/936
155 91 80 6155 000
Co'Co' 5
1983 5100 380 80/125 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Second-hand electric freight locomotive bought from DB Schenker, nr. 155 007/046/195/196/239
91 80 6156 000
Co'Co' 4
1991 5580 338 120 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Second-hand DBAG (former DR252) test class for freight locomotives, nrs. 156 001-004 (former MEG 801-804)
90 80 2159 227
Co'Co' 2
2021 6150
ED 15+25kV+Diesel --- ---
New dual mode locomotives "EuroDual" from Stadler Espaņa (former Vossloh), 2800kW on diesel, nrs. 159 227(ELP)/451
187 91 80 6187 000
Bo'Bo' 1
2019 5600 300 140 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Locomotive type TRAXX F140AC3 from Bombardier with last mile 230kW Deutz diesel engine, nr. 187 420

EBS diesel locomotives and shunters

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
201 92 80 1204 900
B'B' 1
1969 736
100/120 DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel locomotive type V100.1, originally DR V100 001 (second use), nr. 201 001
202 92 80 1202 597
B'B' 2
1973 883

100/120 DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel locomotives type V100.1, second-hand DB class 202 (DR 112), nrs. 202 597/738 (3 more stored)
220 92 80 1220 507
Co'Co' 1
1966 1460 300 100 DE Diesel --- ---
Russian-built freight locomotive "Taigatrommel" (V200) bought in Poland (class ST44), nr. 220 507
228 92 80 1228 719
C'C' 2
1968 1470 270 120 DH Diesel --- ---
Second-hand diesel locomotives of DBAG class 228.6, nrs. 719/757 (nr. 757 modernised, 1766kW) (+5250.05 stored)
293 98 80 3293 024
B'B' 2 1978 736 207 65 DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel shunters, former DR class 111, nrs. 20/22 (3293 025/024)
312.1 98 80 3312 113
B 1 1970 161 71 16/40 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR102.1-2, light shunter built by LKM, nr. 102 113, different body from 312.0
346 98 80 3346 603
D 5
1973 478

DH Diesel --- ---
Large diesel shunters type LEW V60D, nrs. 346 502/602/603, 106 250 and 345 029

EBS motor cars

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
772.3 95 80 0772 345 DMU-1 1 1964 132
90 DM Diesel 0 54
Historic "Ferkeltaxe" railcar class 771.3 rebuilt with new motor/transmission, nr. 772 345

EBS withdrawn classes

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
92 80 1227 003
A1A'A1A' 1
1954 1433
133 DE Diesel --- ---
Second hand DSB class MY diesel locomotive built by NOHAB, former EIVEL, nr. 1131 (sold 2018)
312.0 98 80 3312 501
B 2
1969 161 80 19/35 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR102.0, light shunters built by LKM, nrs. 102 002 and 312 002 (both stored)

Last update: 11-06-2024