DB Regio electric trainsets

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
420 94 80 0420 000 EMU-3 66
1971 2400
120 E 15kV 16.7Hz 0 194
S-Bahn in large cities delivered up to 1997, 480 trains 420+421+420, originally 17/177 seats with first class (36x München) (480 built)
422 94 80 0422 000 EMU-4 84
2008 2350

140 E 15kV 16.7Hz 16 176
Improved version of class 423 (a.o. better seats), for Ruhrgebiet area (48x owned by VRR regio, green/grey livery)
423 94 80 0423 000 EMU-4 459 2000 2350
140 E 15kV 16.7Hz 16 176
New S-Bahn trains from Adtranz for München/Stuttgart/Rhein-Ruhr area (238x to be modernised for München, 166 seats) (462 built)
424 94 80 0424 000 EMU-4 40 2000 2350
140 E 15kV 16.7Hz 24 188
S-Bahn trains from Siemens/ADtranz/DWA, originally for S-Bahn Hannover (now 16x Munich and 24x Cologne, being modernised)
425.0 94 80 0425 000 EMU-4 155 2000 2350
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 24 182
New EMUs for regional trains from Siemens/ADtranz/DWA (156 built, 3x hired to Eurobahn)
425.2 94 80 0425 200 EMU-4 40
2003 2350
140 E 15kV 16.7Hz 24 180
Additional trainsets class 425, nrs. 201-240 (Rhein-Neckar, owned by the region) (13 more nrs. 425 271-283 now used by TDH)
425.3 94 80 0425 300 EMU-4 20 2004 2350
140 E 15kV 16.7Hz 24 180
Additional trainsets class 425, mainly used around Stuttgart
425.4 94 80 0425 250 EMU-4 20 2004 2350
140 E 15kV 16.7Hz 24 180
Similar to class 425.2 but with extra steps, nrs. 250-269(!), owned by DB
426 94 80 0426 000 EMU-2 31
2001 1175
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 12 88
New EMUs for regional trains from Siemens/ADtranz/DWA, similar to 425 (43 built, nrs. 011/018 withdrawn, 4x hired to Abellio/WEG (8x sold to BOBFN 12/2021)
94 80 3427 000
EMU-3 7
2019 2000 100 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 16
New commuter EMUs "FLIRT 3XL" from Stadler for S-Bahn Rhein-Suhr S2 (Dortmund-Recklinghausen/Essen) and Dortmund-Letmathe-Siegen (former Abellio)
1428 94 80 1428 000 EMU-4 14 2014 2000 200 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz

Electric trainsets "FLIRT 3" from Stadler for RE42 Münster-Essen-Mönchengladbach, nrs. 001-014
429.1 94 80 0429 100 EMU-5 28 2014 2000 200 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 24 218
New EMUs "FLIRT 3" from Stadler for express trains in Rheinland-Pfalz, nrs. 100-127
94 80 3429 000
EMU-5 24
2019 2000
100 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 16
New commuter EMUs "FLIRT 3" from Stadler for S-Bahn Rhein-Ruhr Los B around Dortmund (former Abellio)
430.0 94 80 0430 000 EMU-4 155
2013 2350

140 E 15kV 16.7Hz 16 152
Trainsets similar to class 422 for S-Bahn Stuttgart, nrs. 001-097/200-257 (last 58 delivered from 2022)
430.1 94 80 0430 100 EMU-4 98
2014 2350

140 E 15kV 16.7Hz 0
Trainsets similar to class 422 for S-Bahn Rhein-Main around Mainz, nrs. 100-190/300-307 (last 7 delivered in 2023, 7 more ordered)
440.0 94 80 0440 000 EMU-4 48
2009 2880
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 28/51 131/184
Regional trainsets "Coradia Lirex" similar to SL(SE) class X60, for regional trains around Würzburg(13x, nrs. 001-013), Augsburg(24x, nrs. 014-037), nrs. 038-042(formerly Würzburg, now München-Buchloe) and München-Passau(6x, nrs. 043-048, to go to Rheine-Löhne 12/2023)
440.2 94 80 0440 200 EMU-5 6 2010 2880
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 51 191
Regional trainsets "Coradia Lirex" similar to SL(SE) class X60, now used on München-Buchloe (originally for München-Passau), nrs. 201-206
440.3 94 80 0440 300 EMU-3 26 2010 2160
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 28 116
Regional trainsets "Coradia Lirex" similar to SL(SE) class X60, for Würzburg (E-Netz Mainfranken, nrs. 301-326)
1440.0 94 80 1440 000 EMU-4 50
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 0
S-Bahn trainsets "Coradia Continental" from Alstom with different front design, for Elektro-Netz Saar RB Group 1 (001-024, 200 seats) and S-Bahn Nürnberg S3/S4/S5 (027-052)
1440.1 94 80 1440 100 EMU-4 15
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 0
S-Bahn trainsets "Coradia Continental" from Alstom with different front design, for Breisgau S-Bahn (nrs. 171-185)
1440.2 94 80 1440 200 EMU-5 29
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz

S-Bahn trainsets "Coradia Continental" from Alstom with different front design, for Mönchengladbach-Koblenz(16x, RE8/RB33, nrs. 221-236), and Karlsruhe(13x)
94 80 1440 300 EMU-3 55
2014 2160
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz
S-Bahn trainsets "Coradia Continental" from Alstom with different front design, for S-Bahn Dortmund-Hagen and Hagen-Mönchengladbach (S5/S8, nrs. 300-327), Breisgau S-Bahn (nrs. 354-364), Mönchengladbach-Koblenz (nrs. 371-380) and Karlsruhe (6x)
442.0 94 80 0442 000 EMU-2 11
2012 2020
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 0
Regional electric trains type "E-Talent 2" from Bombardier, nrs. 001-005(Mosel-RB), 006-008(Cottbus-Leipzig), 009-011(Werdenfels)
442.1 94 80 x442 100 EMU-3 107
2012 2020
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 0 150
Regional electric trains type "E-Talent 2" from Bombardier, nrs. 101-103(S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland S7) 104-108(E-Netz Franken) 109-114(Mittelhessen-Express) 115-118(Saxonia), 119-141(StadtBahn Berlin) and 142-152(Elbe-Elster Netz) plus 1442 100-135/160-178(S-Bahn Leipzig)
442.2 94 80 x442 200 EMU-4 153
2011 3030
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 0 200
Regional electric trains type "E-Talent 2" from Bombardier, nrs. 200/202-208(Mosel-RB) 209-211(Cottbus-Leipzig) 217-253/264-268(S-Bahn Nürnberg) 254-263(Rhein-Sieg-Express) 269-277(E-Netz Franken) and 278-293(Mittelhessen-Express), plux 1442 200-214(S-Bahn Leipzig), 2442 200-233(Werdenfels network) and 3442 200-215(Gäu-Murr)
442.3 94 80 x442 300 EMU-5 69
2012 3030
160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 0 279
Regional electric trains type "E-Talent 2" from Bombardier, nrs. 301/302(Rhein-Sieg-Express) 303-310(E-Netz Franken) 311-314(Saxonia), 315-336(Stadtbahn Berlin) 337-359(Netz Warnow) and 1442 301-310(S-Bahn Leipzig)
445 91 80 0445 x00 EMU-5 5

E 15kV 16.7Hz

New double-deck regional trainsets "Dosto 2010" from Bombardier for RE 5 Rostock - Elsterwerda, motor cars nrs. 445 001-010
445 91 80 0445 x00 EMU-4 32

E 15kV 16.7Hz 25
New double-deck regional trainsets "Dosto 2010" from Bombardier for Hamburg-Kiel/Flensburg (motor cars 445 011-042/103-104), Spessart network (445 043-066) and Ringzug West (445 067-102)
445 91 80 0445 x00 EMU-6 15

E 15kV 16.7Hz

New double-deck regional trainsets "Dosto 2010" from Bombardier for Ringzug West (around Treuchtlingen), motor cars 445 067-102
94 80 0445 116
EMU-4 18 2022 4000 400 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz 38 367
Double-deck trains "KISS" from Stadler for Schleswig-Holstein Elektronetz Ost (around Lübeck), motor cars 445 116-133/616-633
446 91 80 0446 x00 EMU-3 7

E 15kV 16.7Hz

New double-deck regional trainsets "Dosto 2010" from Bombardier for Main-Neckar-Ried network, different door entrance height, motor cars nrs. 446 001-048
446 91 80 0446 x00 EMU-4 17

E 15kV 16.7Hz

New double-deck regional trainsets "Dosto 2010" from Bombardier for Main-Neckar-Ried network, different door entrance height, motor cars nrs. 446 001-048
1462 94 80 1462 000 EMU-4 15

E 15kV 16.7Hz 36
Electric trainsets Desiro HC (with double-deck intermediate trailers) from Siemens for Rheintal-Netz REX services Offenburg-Freiburg-Basel
1462 94 80 1462 049 EMU-4 25

E 15kV 16.7Hz 20
Electric trainsets Desiro HC (with double-deck intermediate trailers) from Siemens for Donau-Isar network, nrs. 049-073 (München-Passau/Regensburg)
463 94 80 0463 000 EMU-3 108

E 15kV 16.7Hz 8
Electric trainsets type Mireo from Siemens for Rheintal-Netz RB services(24x), S-Bahn Rhein-Neckar(57x, more doors), Lausitz(20x, 180 seats) and Karlsruhe(7x) (28 more ordered by SFBW for Stuttgart)
1463 94 80 1463 000 EMU-4 24

E 15kV 16.7Hz 14
Electric trainsets type Mireo from Siemens for Donau-Isar network (6x RE22) and Mitteldeutsche S-Bahn (2026, 18x S4/S6/S10, 200 seats)

DB Regio diesel trainsets and motor cars

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
612 95 80 0612 000
DMU-2 173 2000 1118
160 DH Diesel 24 110
Almost the same as class 611, but "cheaper" design, for regional express trains, 17x still numbered 612.4 (192 built)
620 95 80 0620 000 DMU-3 49
2014 1560
140 DH Diesel 0 270
Non-articulated 3-car version of class 648 "Coradia LINT 81" from Alstom for diesel lines around Cologne "Vareo" (9x rebuilt from class 622)
622.0 95 80 0622 000 DMU-2 49
2014 1170
140 DH Diesel 0 160
Non-articulated version of class 648 "Coradia LINT 54" from Alstom for diesel lines around Cologne "Vareo" (nrs. 001-009),  Rheinland-Pfalz DNSW (nrs. 021-044, 162 seats incl. 1st class), Nürnberg (nrs. 045-052) and Dieselnetz Ulm (nrs. 053-060)
622.1 95 80 0622 165 DMU-2 3 2015 1170
140 DH Diesel 0 160
Non-articulated version of class 648 "Coradia LINT 54" from Alstom for Itzehoe-Heide, nrs. 622 165-167 (owned by Paribus/NAH.SH, formerly used by NOB)
622.4 95 80 0622 466
DMU-2 7
2019 1170
140 DH Diesel 0 150
Non-articulated version of class 648 "Coradia LINT 54" from Alstom for Dieselnetz Ulm, nrs. 622 466-472
623 95 80 0623 000 DMU-2 43
2015 1170
140 DH Diesel 0
New version of diesel trainsets LINT-41 from Alsthom, for Rheinland-Pfalz DNSW (nrs. 001-014), Lübeck-Güstrow-Pasewalk-Szczecin plus Pasewalk-Ueckermünde (nrs. 015-031) and Dieselnetz Ulm (nrs. 032-043)
628.4 95 80 0628 400 DMU-2 20
1992 485
120 DH Diesel 12 112
Like 628.2, but more powerful, 4x rebuilt into 629 (303 built, 47 more at DB Regio SOB)
95 80 0632 100
DMU-2 23
2018 780
DM Diesel 0
Trainsets type "LINK" from PESA(PL) for Dreieichbahn (nrs. 032-034, 12/110 seats) and Sauerland-Netz (nrs. 101-120)
95 80 0633 000
DMU-3 51
2018 1130

DM Diesel 0
Trainsets type "LINK" from PESA(PL) for Dreieichbahn (nrs. 002-008, 12/148 seats), Dieselnetz Allgäu (nrs. 030-056) and Sauerland-Netz (nrs. 101-117)
640 95 80 0640 000 DMU-1 21
2000 315
120 DH Diesel 8 52
DMUs "LINT 27" from LHB, used east of the Ruhrgebiet from Dortmund and around Limburg(Lahn) (30 built, partly replaced by 632)
641 95 80 0641 000 DMU-1 37
2002 510
140 DH Diesel 8 55
Light DMUs by De Dietrich(F) and LHB(D), same as SNCF class X73500 (40 built, 3 more at OBS)
642 95 80 0642 000 DMU-2 136
2000 550
120 DM Diesel 12 98
Local DMUs "Desiro" from Siemens/Düwag based on Regiosprinter (238 built, more at DB Regio EGB(15x)/KHB(20x)/SOB(5x)/WFB(45x)/ÖBB(3x))
643 95 80 0643 000 DMU-3 73 2000 630
120 DH Diesel 16 104
DMUs "Talent" from Talbot/Bombardier used around Münster/Kaiserslautern, 34x modernised for West Münsterland network (75 built)
643.2 95 80 0643 200 DMU-2 24 2002 630
120 DM Diesel 0 96
Two-car version of class 643 "Talent" for Euregiobahn Aachen (26 built)
644 95 80 0644 000 DMU-3 58
1999 1010
120 DE Diesel 16 104
Diesel-electric version of "Talent", orginally built for S-Bahn Cologne (64 built)
646.0 95 80 0646 000 DMU-2 12
2000 550 61 120 DE Diesel 15 78
Light rail DMUs type GTW2/6 now only used on Hennigsdorf-Kremmen and Cottbus-Zagan(PL) (30 built)
646.1 95 80 0646 100 DMU-2 23 2000 420 62 120 DE Diesel 0 126
Former UBB DMUs used on island Usedom, type GTW2/6, nrs. 101-114 and 121-129 (with toilets)
648.1 95 80 0648 100 DMU-2 21 2004 630
120 DH Diesel 16 98
Additional "LINT" DMUs for Sauerland lines, central floor height 780mm, 14x now used in Nordwestbrandenburg
648.2 95 80 0648 200 DMU-2 34 2004 630
120 DH Diesel 16 98
Additional "LINT" DMUs for Drei-Länder-Eck (201-207) and Harz-Weser network (251-277), central floor height 598mm
648.3 95 80 0648 300 DMU-2 52
2008 630
140 DH Diesel 0 136
Additional "LINT" DMUs for use around Nürnberg (Mittelfrankenbahn, nrs. 301-327) and Lübeck (Ostnetz, nrs. 331-355)
648.4 95 80 0648 400 DMU-2 16 2011 630
140 DH Diesel 0 136
New "LINT" DMUs for Schleswig-Holstein North network, nrs. 450-465
650.0 95 80 0650 000 DMU-1 21
1999 560
120 DM Diesel 0 68
Regioshuttle railcars owned by DBAG, used around Tübingen (27 built, 2 more stored, plus 650 049-054 hired for use around Chemnitz)
650.1 95 80 0650 100 DMU-1 23 1999 560
120 DM Diesel 0 68
Regioshuttle railcars for ZugBus RAB, used around Ulm
650.2 95 80 0650 200 DMU-1 1
2002 560
120 DM Diesel 0
DBAG, "Regioshuttles" with bike space for ZugBus RAB (3 built, nrs. 201/203 stored)
650.3 95 80 0650 300 DMU-1 27 2004 560
120 DM Diesel 0
Additional "Regioshuttle" diesel motor cars, for Tübingen-Horb-Pforzheim
798 95 80 0798 000 DMU-1 1
1955 222
90 DM Diesel 0 56
Historic "Schienenbus" diesel motor car with two motors, now used for "Ulmer Spatz", nr. 798 652 (owned by ZAB)

DB Regio ordered trainsets

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
x428 94 80 x428 000 EMU-4 22
2024 2000 200 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz
Electric trainsets "FLIRT 3XL" from Stadler for MoselLux contract RB81/82/83, 30 bike spaces (19x) and RE5 Brandenburg/Berlin (3x 2026)
x428 94 80 x428 000 EMU-4 9
2026 2000 200 160 E 3kV=+15kV
Dual voltage electric trainsets "FLIRT 3XL" from Stadler for Berlin-Angermünde-Szczecin(PL) RE9 and RB66
4xx 94 80 04xx 000 EMU-3 9

E 15kV 16.7Hz

Coradia Max (partly double-deck) EMUs from Alstom for OSTA RE2 Rostock-Lübeck and RE4 Schwerin-Lübeck
4xx 94 80 04xx 000 EMU-4 34

E 15kV 16.7Hz

Coradia Max (partly double-deck) EMUs from Alstom for Expresskreuz Bremen/Niedersachsen, +18 extra center coaches (LNVG)
4xx 94 80 04xx 000 EMU-4 130

E 15kV 16.7Hz
Coradia Max (partly double-deck) EMUs from Alstom orderd by Baden-Württemberg province for services around Stuttgart (opt. +100)
4xx 94 80 04xx 000 EMU-4 42

E 15kV 16.7Hz
Coradia Max (partly double-deck) EMUs from Alstom for RE30 Main-Weser Expres (13x) and RE50/RB51 Kinzigtalbahn (29x)
4xx 94 80 04xx 000 EMU-4 40

E 15kV 16.7Hz
Coradia Max (partly double-deck) EMUs from Alstom for Hamburg-Kiel/Flensburg and Hamburg-Wrist-Itzehoe(-Heide) (NAH.SH)
4xx 94 80 04xx 000 EMU-5 13

E 15kV 16.7Hz
Coradia Max (partly double-deck) EMUs from Alstom for RE30 Main-Weser Express(4x) and OSTA RE1 Hamburg-Büchen(9x 2027)
4xx 94 80 04xx 000 EMU-13 90

E 15kV 16.7Hz 0
New trainsets for S-Bahn München to be built by Siemens, 13 sections and 202 meters long, 31 doors per side
94 80 0445 000
EMU-5 12
2026 4000 400 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz

Double-deck trains "KISS" from Stadler for Brandenburg/Berlin RE3
1462 94 80 1462 031 EMU-4 18

E 15kV 16.7Hz
Electric trainsets Desiro HC (with double-deck intermediate trailers) from Siemens for Franken-Südthüringen network (RE20/RE42/RE49/RB25
4462 94 80 4462 000 EMU-6 8

E 15kV 16.7Hz
Electric trainsets Desiro HC (with double-deck intermediate trailers) from Siemens for RE19 (Nürnberg–Bamberg–Coburg–Erfurt/Sonneberg)
1462 94 80 1462 000 EMU-5 6

E 15kV 16.7Hz

Electric trainsets Desiro HC (with double-deck intermediate trailers) from Siemens for Werdenfelser Land (München-Garmisch-Mittenwald)

94 80 046x 000 BMU-2 16

E 15kV+Battery
Hybrid trainsets type Mireo Plus B from Siemens for S1 in Leipzig to Grimma and Döbeln (ZVNL Schienenfahrzeug)

BMU-2 15

160 E 15kV+Battery 0
New CAF Civity BEMU trainsets for Niederrhein/Münsterland RB36/RB43 (45m long, short cars, owned by VRR/NWL)

BMU-2 61

160 E 15kV+Battery 0
New CAF Civity BEMU trainsets for Niederrhein/Münsterland RE14/RE44/RB31 (55m long, long cars, owned by VRR/NWL)
94 80 6526 000
BMU-2 82

EB 15kV+Battery 16
Dual mode trainsets FLIRT AKKU from Stadler for Pfalznetz Los 1 (around Kaiserslautern, 44x), Warnow II (RB11/RB12, 19x, 99 seats) and Mittelthüringen(19x from 2028)

94 80 0563 100 HMU-2 1

EH Hydrogen 0
Prototype hydrogen-battery trainset type Mireo Plus H from Siemens, trials to be underaken on Tübingen-Horb-Pforzheim, nr. 563 101

Last update: 15-02-2025