DB AG withdrawn electric locomotives

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
Co'Co' 4 1965 6480 314 200 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Prototypes for Class 103 (Henschel-Siemens). Launched 200 km/h operation (München-Augsburg, 1965). ex E03 001-004. nrs 001 and 003 renumbered (1989) 750 001-002 for Infrastructure duties.
Co'Co' 145 1970 7440 312 200 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Fast locomotives by Siemens, Krauss-Maffei, Krupp, AEG, Brown-Boveri, for TEE/IC services (+Austria), also used later on IR and night services. Last 30x with larger cabs. (withdrawn 2005)
1'Co1' 23 1932 2010 177 110 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Express locomotives for central Germany (E04/DR204, withdrawn 1982(DB)/1976(DR))
Bo'Bo' 95 1962 2920 216 120 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Mainline locomotives by LEW-Hennigsdorf. 4x (nrs. 027, 030-032) sold to BKK-Bitterfeld in 1986. 23x rebuilt to 242.3 in 1990 (slower gear, for freighters). ex DR211, (E11). (withdrawn 1994)
Bo'Bo' 181 1956 3620 275 140 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Electric express passenger locomotives with "Kasten" body (like class 140), +1 rebuilt from 139, nrs. 110 101-287, 511 (withdrawn 04/2011)
Bo'Bo' 198
1963 3620 275 140 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Electric express passenger locomotive with "Bügelfalte" body (like class 113), +22 rebuilt from 114 + "box" 110, nrs. 288-510 (withdrawn 02/2014)
Bo'Bo' 0 1962 3620 275 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Class 110 (11x, nrs 239-244, 250-254), delivered with faster gear, to haul TEE "Rheingold" and "Rheinpfeil" services at 160 km/h. Later re-fitted to standard condition. ex E10 239-244 & 250-254.
Bo'Bo' 11 1962 3620 275 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Former InterCity and TEE-locomotives (E10.12, withdrawn 2006 but 3 still in service for DB Autozug in 2010)
Bo'Bo' 20 1968 3620 275 140 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Similar to class 113 but other bogies, lower maximum speed (E10.12, withdrawn 1993)
Bo'Bo' 0 1990 4020 248 160 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Former DR212 025 and later 755 025, used for catenary inspection train, nr. 114 501 (1x)
Bo'Bo' 0
1956 3620 275 140 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Second-hand locomotives from DB Regio (class 110) for car/nigh trains (DB Autozug) and later for empty stock duties (DB Fernverkehr) (30x, withdrawn 01/2020)
1'Do1' 21 1926 2020 142/196 120 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Former express passenger locomotives, 011-017 2400kW and 018-021 2655kW (E16, withdrawn 1980)
1'Do1' 38 1928 2800 235 120 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Former express passenger locomotives for southern and central Germany (E17, withdrawn 1980(DR)/1968(DR))
1'Do1' 55 1935 3040 206 150 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Mainline locomotives, for faster passenger services. Former E18. 41x ex-DB (withdrawn 1984), 3x ex-DR 218 (withdrawn 1988), 2x-ÖBB (1118.01, 1018.101)
1'Do1' 4 1939 3720 220/208 180 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
High-speed prototype locomotives similar to 118/E18 (E19, withdrawn 1978)
Bo'Bo' 5 1979 5600 340 200 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Prototype locomotives for class 120.1, later in departmental use for high-speed tests as class 752
120.1 91 80 6120 100 Bo'Bo' 60
1987 5600 290/340 200 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Universal locomotives ordered for Hannover-Wurzburg and Mannheim-Stuttgart NBS, 3x still used for test trains (nrs. 125/157/160) (withdrawn 2020)
120.2 91 80 6120 200 Bo'Bo' 0
1987 5600 290/340 160
E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Former InterCity locomotives used by DB Regio for Hanse Express Rostock-Hamburg and RE Aachen-Siegen, nrs. 120 201-208
1'C1' 29 1924 1010 87/105 75/90 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Locomotives for light passenger trains (E32, withdrawn 1972)
Bo'Bo' 31
1959 3620 275 110 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Similar to class 140 but with electric brakes, +20x rebuilt from class 110.1 (E40.11, withdrawn 09/2016)
Bo'Bo' 848
1957 3620 275 110 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Locomotives for commuter and later for freight trains, similar to class 110.1 (E40, withdrawn 11/2016)
Bo'Bo' 451 1956 2310 206 120 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Locomotives for light regional trains in northwestern Germany (E41, withdrawn 02/2006)
Bo'Bo' 292 1963 2920 245 100 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Slow locomotives (LEW-Hennigsdorf), for freighters and pull-push regional trains. ex DR242. (E42). 14x sold to Lookop AG (CH SOB & MThB) in 1994/1995. (withdrawn 1999)
Bo'Bo' 181 1932 2200 196 90 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Universal electric locomotives for central and middle Germany (E44, withdrawn 1984(DB)/1993(DR))
Bo'Bo' 9 1933 2200 196 90 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Mountain version of class 144 for Freilassing-Berchtesgaden, no nose (E44.5, withdrawn 1983)
Bo'Bo' 16 1943 2200 196 90 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Subclass E44 W with electric brakes, later used on Höllentalbahn (E44.11, withdrawn 1984)
145 91 80 6145 000 Bo'Bo' 80
1998 4200 300 140 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Modern freight locomotives built by ADtranz, 12X/Eco2000 design, many still used by RBH and MEG (withdrawn by DB Cargo in 2024)
Co'Co' 194 1957 4500 441 100 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
High-power locomotives, for heavy freight trains. ex E50 (withdrawn 2005)
151 91 80 6151 000 Co'Co' 170
1972 5982 441 120 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Old heavy freight locomotives, all remaining sold to Railpool/Toshiba and some leased back  (last ones returned in 2024)
Co'Co' 273
1974 5100 380 80/125 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Former DR250, locomotives for heavy freight trains, sold to Railpool/Toshiba and some leased back (withdrawn 12/2019)
Co'Co' 4 1991 5580 338 120 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Former DR252, test class for freight locomotives, sold to MEG
1'C 14 1927 820 150
55 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Electric shunters for stations around München (E60, withdrawn 1983)
C 8 1935 667 167 45 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Electric shunters for southern Germany (E63, withdrawn 1979)
Bo 5 1930 605 93 50 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Small electric locomotives for Murnau-Oberammergau (E69, withdrawn 1991)
Co'Co' 15 1965 3300 320 80 E 25kV 50Hz --- ---
25kV version for Class 109 & 142 , for heavy freighters and local passenger services on Rübelandbahn. ex-DR E251 (withdrawn 12/2004)
Bo'Bo' 20
1988 3080 245 120 E 15 kV +3000V= --- ---
Dual voltage locomotives for freight trains to the Czech Republic, identical to CD(CZ) class 372 (DR E230, last sold to Czechia 12/2014)
Bo'Bo' 2 1967 3000 275 150 E 15kV+25kV --- ---
Experimental dual-voltage locomotives (nrs. 001-002), for TEE/D services to Luxembourg and France. (Withdrawn 2002) (ex E310 001-002)
Bo'Bo' 2 1967 3000 275 150 E 15kV+25kV --- ---
Experimental dual-voltage locomotives (nrs. 103-104), for TEE/D services to Luxembourg and France. Emergency braking. (Withdrawn 2002) (ex E310 003-004)
Bo'Bo' 25
1974 3240 277 160 E 15kV+25kV --- ---
Universal locomotives, mainly used for mainline passenger services to France and Luxembourg. Fitted with KVB (1998) and Mémor II+ (2007). (withdrawn 12/2018)
Bo'Bo' 3 1959 2760 275 120 E 15kV+25kV --- ---
Experimental dual-voltage locomotives (nrs. 001, 011, 021) derived from Class 140, for services to France (Forbach). (Withdrawn 1982) (ex E320)
Bo'Bo' 1 1962 2400 275
100 E 15kV+25kV --- ---
Experimental dual-voltage locomotive derived from Class 141 and 144, for services to France (Forbach). (Withdrawn 1969) (ex E344)
Bo'Bo' 5 1967 3000 275 150 E 1.5+3+15+25kV --- ---
Experimental 4-voltage locomotives (nrs 001-004, 011, 012), for TEE/D services to The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. Rebuilt to 15+25kV (1979). (Withdrawn 2002) (ex E410)
Bo'Bo' 20
2010 5600 300 140 E 1.5+3+15+25kV --- ---
Quadruple voltage locomotives type TRAXX F140MS from Bombardier for international freight trains, nrs. 186 321-340 (45 more for ECR, nrs. 186 161-180/301-320/341-345)
C'C' 46 1926 1660 294 55 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Heavy freight locomotives for mountain lines, 12 with electric brakes (E91.9) (E91, withdrawn 1975)
Co'Co' 18 1933 2214 353 65/70 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Electric freight locomotives, low maximum speed (E93, withdrawn 1985)
Co'Co' 173 1940 3000 363 90 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Electric freight locomotives, some became ÖBB class 1020 after the 2nd World War (E94/DR254, withdrawn 1988(DB)/1992(DR))
Co'Co' 24 1954 4440 402 100 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Heavy electric freight locomotives, more powerful than class 194 (E94.2, withdrawn 1988)

DB AG withdrawn diesel locomotives

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
B'B' 900 1966 736
100 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR110, low-power universal locomotives (V100)
B'B' 0 1966 883 223 100 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR112, rebuilt from class 201 starting 1981 (486x)
B'B' 0
1966 1100
100 DH Diesel --- ---
Second-hand and rebuilt class 202 diesel locomotives hired from Alstom (20x), nrs. 101-115 and 442/443/496/523/658
B'B' 0 1969 1100 207 80/100 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR114, rebuilt from class 201.2-8 starting 1983 (60x), in the end based at Saalfeld (withdrawn 05/2009)
B'B' 8 1970 2720 245 160 DH Diesel --- ---
Locomotives with gas turbine booster engine, very powerful and fast, rebuilt into 218.9
B'B' 0 1971 2060 235 160 DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel locomotives class 218 rebuilt in 1996 for 160km/h (12x)
B'B' 364 1958 809 176 65/100 DH Diesel --- ---
Locomotives for light freight/local trains, many rebuilt with 990kW engine (V100.10)
B'B' 371 1959 990 176 65/100 DH Diesel --- ---
Center-cab locomotives later only used for local freight trains (V100.20, withdrawn 12/2004)
B'B' 10 1965 990 186 65/100 DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel locomotives, same as class 212 with special brakes (V100.23)
B'B' 5
2009 970 177 100 DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel locomotives built on frame/bogies of class 212 by ALS and Gmeinder with Caterpillar 3508 engine, used for shunting at Nürnberg, nrs. 214 014-018 (sold in 2016)
B'B' 150 1968 1415 235 90/140 DH Diesel --- ---
Universal locomotives, heating by steam (61 rebuilt into class 225)
B'B' 0 1968 1430 245 90/140 DH Diesel --- ---
Locomotives for the car shuttles from Niebüll to the island Sylt, steam heating removed (14x, withdrawn 2008)
B'B' 9 1960 1397 235 120 DH Diesel --- ---
Prototype diesel locomotives for the V160 family "Lollo" (V160.0)
B'B' 214 1964 1415 235 80/120 DH Diesel --- ---
Similar to class 215, later mostly used for freight trains (V160)
B'B' 15 1965 1785 245 80/130 DH Diesel --- ---
Locomotives for freight trains, no train heating (withdrawn 12/2011)
B'B' 12 1968 1840 235 80/130 DH Diesel --- ---
Universal locomotives, electrical train heating, remaining units renumbered into class 225.8 (withdrawn 09/2016)
B'B' 0 1979 1840 235 90/140 DH Diesel --- ---
Universal locomotives, rebuilt from class 210 with new engine (8x)
B'B' 1 1966 2030 235 130 DH Diesel --- ---
Prototype locomotive, class 216 with gas turbine booster engine (V169, withdrawn 1978)
C'C' 200 1977 1766 198 120 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR119, universal locomotives, electric heating, 20 rebuilt into 229
Co'Co' 378 1966 1460 300 100 DE Diesel --- ---
DR120, Russian-built freight locomotives "Taigatrommel" (V200)
B'B' 86 1953 1620 234 140 DH Diesel --- ---
Mainline express passenger trains diesel locomotives (V200, withdrawn 1984)
B'B' 50 1962 1986 235 140 DH Diesel --- ---
More powerful version of class 220/V200 (V200.1, withdrawn 1988)
B'B' 0
1968 1415 245 90/140 DH Diesel --- ---
Freight locomotives renumbered/rebuilt from (withdrawn) DB Regio class 215, originally with steam heating (64x, withdrawn 12/2016)
B'B' 0 1968 1840 245 80/130 DH Diesel --- ---
Second-hand locomotives from DB Regio used by DB Cargo, renumbered from class 218.0 (7x, withdrawn 2017)
B'B' 0 1964 1415 245 80/120 DH Diesel --- ---
Rescue locomotives for ICE line Köln-Frankfurt, renumbered from class 216 in 2002 (7x, withdrawn 2005)
B'B' 85 1962 1472 255 120 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR118.5, universal diesel locomotives rebuilt from V180.0
C'C' 206 1966 1766 270 120 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR118.6-8, universal diesel locomotives rebuilt from V180.2-4 (375 class DR118 built)
C'C' 0 1992 2480 276 140 DH Diesel --- ---
Express train locomotives, rebuilt from class 219 (20x)
C'C' 1 1957 2200 336 140 DH Diesel --- ---
Prototype locomotive based on class 220, 3 similar built for JZ(YU) (V300 001, withdrawn 1975)
Co'Co' 82 1970 2200 250 140 DE Diesel --- ---
Former DR130, freight locomotives without heating for passenger coaches (V300)
Co'Co' 76 1972 2200 340 100 DE Diesel --- ---
Former DR131, diesel locomotives for heavy freigh trains
C'C' 1 1962 2940 408 160 DH Diesel --- ---
Prototype locomotive based on class 216, hired by DB 1964-1974 (V320 001)
Co'Co' 3 1989 2650 400 160 DE Diesel --- ---
Test class for heavy diesel locomotives, sold to HGK (DE11-13) and withdrawn in 2020
Co'Co' 0 1997 2940
100 DE Diesel --- ---
Class 232 rebuilt with stronger engine, until 09/2003 used for services to The Netherlands (5x, withdrawn 07/2013)
Co'Co' 0 2001 2940
100 DE Diesel --- ---
Class 232 rebuilt with stronger engine, until 12/2008 used for services to Belgium (5x, withdrawn 05/2009)
Co'Co' 6 1977 2940 343 100 DE Diesel --- ---
Former DR142, very powerful locomotives for heavy freight trains

160 DE Diesel --- ---
Powerful and fast diesel locomotives type Vectron DE from Siemens to replace class 232/265 around Halle (returned to Siemens 2019)
B'B' 3 2007 970 177 100 DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel locomotives built on frame/bogies of class 212 by ALS and Gmeinder with Caterpillar 3508 engine, used around Magdeburg, nrs. 262 004/005/007
B'B' 10 1952 810 171 100 DH Diesel --- ---
Light mainline passenger and freight locomotives (V80, withdrawn 1978)
B'B' 408 1964 809 232 40/80 DH Diesel --- ---
Shunters for heavy freight trains, many rebuilt into class 294 (V90, withdrawn 2010)
B'B' 103
1973 809 235 40/80 DH Diesel --- ---
More powerful than class 290, used in Bremen/Hamburg/Rostock, many rebuilt into class 295, nrs. 291 001-100/901-903
B'B' 0 1995 809 232 40/80 DH Diesel --- ---
Class 290 rebuilt with radio remote control (297x, withdrawn 2012)

DB AG withdrawn diesel shunters

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
Bo'Bo' 20 1962 552 202 60 DE Diesel --- ---
Large diesel shunters, built in Czechia (V75/DR 107, withdrawn 1986)
C 302 1938 265 130 55/60 DH Diesel --- ---
Military diesel shunters, last 10 DM (class V36.3) (V36/DR103, withdrawn 1981)
C 18 1950 265
60 DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel shunters based on military design, originally V36 401-418 (wihtdrawn 1981)
B 10 1956 294 146 30/50 DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel shunters built by SACM in France for Saarland railways (V45, withdrawn 1980)
D 15 1955 552
167 40/80 DH Diesel --- ---
Large diesel shunters/freight locomotives built by MaK, type 600D (V65, withdrawn 1980)
B 25 1936 145 80 55 DH Diesel --- ---
Small diesel shunters, many more built for the army (V20, withdrawn 1980)
B'B' 37 1982 736 207 65 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR111, shunters, rebuilt into class 298
B'B' 43 1966 750 220/172 33/80 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR108, rebuilt from (retired) class 201 from 1978, heavy shunters (withdrawn 2009)
B 318 1930 77 39 30 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR100.1, small shunters "Köf II", similar to class 323/324
B 185 1934 29 27 18/23 DM Diesel --- ---
Small shunters "Kö I" (nrs. 0105-0289), later DB class 311 and DR class 100.0 (withdrawn 1979)
B 20 1959 110
21/32 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR101.0, small shunters built by LKM (V15.10)
B 347 1960 132
21/37 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR101.1, small shunters built by LKM (V15.20)
B 0 1975 162 66 42 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR101.5, small shunters rebuilt from class DR101.1 (322x)
B 80 1968 161 80 19/35 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR102.0, light shunters, similar to retired class 311
B 157 1970 161 71 16/40 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR102.1-2, light shunters, different body from 312.0
B 1100 1948 94 28 45 DH Diesel --- ---
Small shunters, "Köf II", similar to class 310
B 317 1959 176 83 45 DH Diesel --- ---
Small shunters "Köf III" with chain transmission
B 259 1965 177 83 45 DH Diesel --- ---
Small shunters "Köf III" with cardanic transmission (withdrawn 2007)
B 0 1984 177 83 45 DH Diesel --- ---
Shunters class 335 with radio remote control removed again (24x, withdrawn 2009)
D 81 1964 365 194 60 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR104, class 345/346 rebuilt with less powerful engine from 1991
D 170 1964 478 194 60 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR105, diesel shunters identical to class 346.2-9
D 170 1960 478 194 60 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR106.0-1, diesel shunters built by LKM Babelsberg (V60 1001-1170)
D 799 1964 478 194 60 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR106.2-9, common former GDR diesel shunters (withdrawn 2006)
D 0 1987 478 194 60 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR105/106, 14x rebuilt for 1524mm gauge in Mukran ferry port (withdrawn 04/2011)
3 1999 370
60 DH Diesel --- ---
Test class for new shunters type Cargoloc DH 440 from Allrad
Bo 1 1999 350 170 80 DE Diesel --- ---
Test shunter from CKD (type T239.2/709.6), used in Dresden
C 623 1955 478 118 30/60 DH Diesel --- ---
Shunters (class 260 until 1987)
C 319 1955 478 132 30/60 DH Diesel --- ---
Like class 360, more tractive effort (class 261 until 1987)
C 0 1988 478 118 30/60 DH Diesel --- ---
Shunters of class 360 rebuilt with radio remote control (withdrawn 2009)
C 0 1984 478 132 30/60 DH Diesel --- ---
Shunters of class 361 rebuilt with radio remote control (withdrawn 2006)
Bo 41 1935 34
25 EB Battery --- ---
Small battery shunters with outline similar to class 310

DB AG withdrawn narrow gauge locomotives

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
B'B' 96 1892 147
30 S Steam --- ---
750mm gauge, "Meyer" articulated compound locomotives (type IV K)
E 62 1918 353
30 S Steam --- ---
750mm gauge steam locomotives (type VI K), original nrs. 99 641-655/671-717
1'E1' 32 1929 441
30 S Steam --- ---
750mm gauge steam locomotives, ex DR 99.173-176, original nrs. 99 731-762
1'E1' 24 1952 416
30 S Steam --- ---
750mm gauge steam locomotives, ex DR 99.177-179, post-war version of previous class, original nrs. 99 771-794
C 1 1952 94 50 20 DH Diesel --- ---
900mm gauge, nr. 399 101 (329 501 until 1991), on island Wangerooge
C 2 1957 94 50 20 DH Diesel --- ---
900mm gauge, nrs. 399 102-103(ex 329 502-503), on island Wangerooge
B 1 1952 87 50 20 DH Diesel --- ---
900mm gauge, nr. 399 104 (ex 329 504), bought second-hand in 1971

Last update: 01-02-2025