BBIGB locomotives and shunters

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
91 80 6143 226
Bo'Bo' 2
1984 3540 240 120 E 15kV 16.7Hz --- ---
Second-hand DBAG electric locomotives class 143, former RBH 128/133 (143 226/352) bought in 2022
203.3 92 80 1203 304
B'B' 16 1971 1050
100 DH Diesel --- ---
Class 202 with new Caterpillar engine and remote control, nrs. 203 301-316 (used by DB Netz?)
212 92 80 1212 097
B'B' 1 1964 990 176 65/100 DH Diesel --- ---
Center-cab locomotive second-hand from DBAG, nr. 212 097 (Lok 33) (hired to SVG in 2020)
218.1 92 80 1218 287
B'B' 3
1973 2061 245 90/140 DH Diesel --- ---
Second-hand DBAG class 218 universal diesel locomotives, nrs. 261/391/449 (2 more withdrawn)
92 80 1293 007
B'B' 4
1983 1100 147 100 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR110.9, diesel locomotives type V100.4 from LEW, nrs. 007/008/009 (10 built, 710 961-970)

B 1
1964 132

DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel shunter type V18B from LKM, nr. 1 (old number 10, 2 more withdrawn)
2'B' 1 1996 338
120 DH Diesel --- ---
Modern catenary maintenance motor car "HIOB" by Windhoff, nr. 711 003 (9 built)

BBIGB ordered locomotives and work trains

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
90 80 2249 000
Bo'Bo' 4
2026 2200
300 120
ED 15kV+Diesel
--- ---
Vectron Dual Mode electro-diesel locomotives from Siemens, lighter version than prototype, 1120kW diesel engine (same as DB Cargo)
99 80 9420 140
Bo'2' 3

DE Diesel+Battery
--- ---
Hybrid MPVs based on VentuS platform from Windhoff, diesel powerpacks and batteries (opt. +7x)

BBIGB withdrawn classes

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
212 92 80 1212 306
B'B' 1 1966 990 176 65/100 DH Diesel --- ---
Center-cab locomotive second-hand from DBAG, nr. 212 306
225 92 80 1225 010
B'B' 1
1968 1415 245 90/140 DH Diesel --- ---
Second-hand DBAG class 225 freight diesel locomotive, nr. 225 010
229 92 80 1229 000
C'C' 4 1981 2480 276 140 DH Diesel --- ---
Second-hand locomotives from DBAG, rebuilt from class 219 in 1992/1993, nrs. 229 100/126/147/181
232 92 80 1232 223
Co'Co' 3
1975 2200 340 120 DE Diesel --- ---
Former DR132, heavy diesel locomotives, nrs. 232 223/550 ans 233 493
332 98 80 3332 013
B 5
1959 177 83 45 DH Diesel --- ---
Small shunters "Köf III" with chain transmission, nrs. 332 013/265 and 3 more
333 98 80 3333 145
B 1 1974 177 83 45 DH Diesel --- ---
Small shunter "Köf III" with cardanic transmission, nr. 333 145
335 98 80 3335 220
B 1 1977 177 83 45 DH Diesel --- ---
Shunters class 333 rebuilt with radio remote control, nrs. 335 117/220
345 98 80 3345 021
D 1 1975 478 194 60 DH Diesel --- ---
Former DR class 105 (DBAG class 345) diesel shunter, nr. 345 021
B 2 1967 162

DH Diesel --- ---
Diesel shunters type V22 from LOB/LKM, nrs. 1/2
B 1 1934 77 39 30 DH Diesel --- ---
Very old diesel shunter, former DR100.1 "Köf II" nr. 100 741 (plinthed)

Last update: 05-05-2023