CD Cargo electric locomotives

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
110 91 54 7110 000 Bo'Bo' 3
1971 800 160 80 E 3000V= --- ---
Old class E458.0, shunters with central cabin, nrs. 110.001/007/019 (Skoda 33E, 52 built)
111 91 54 7111 000 Bo'Bo' 18 1981 760 186 80 E 3000V= --- ---
Old class E458.1, shunters with central cabin, chopper control (cc) (Skoda 78E, 35 built)
122 91 54 7122 000 Bo'Bo' 17
1967 2040 224 90 E 3000V= --- ---
Old class E469.2, based in Usti nad Labem, for freight trains, 25 more stored (Skoda 57E, 55 built, to be withdrawn by 2027)
123 91 54 7123 000 Bo'Bo' 29 1971 2040 224 90 E 3000V= --- ---
Old class E469.3, based in Usti nad Labem, for freight trains (Skoda 57E2, 29 built, to be withdrawn by 2027)
130 91 54 7130 000 Bo'Bo' 41 1977 2040 228 100 E 3000V= --- ---
Old class E479.0, based in Ceska Trebova, mainly used for freight, 4x used in Poland (Skoda 79E, 40 built +1x from SD-KD)
163 91 54 7163 000 Bo'Bo' 20
1984 3480 250 120 E 3000V= --- ---
Old class E499.3, freight train locomotives, 23x once sold to CD, cc/asc (Skoda 71E, 120 built, 38x CD, 16 more to arrive from CD up to 2027)
163.2 91 54 7163 200 Bo'Bo' 19 1991 3480 250
120 E 3000V= --- ---
Electric locomotives rebuilt from class 162 by switching bogies with class 363 in 1993-2008 (18x to be converted into class 363.0)
181 91 54 7181 000 Co'Co' 5 1961 2790 345 90 E 3000V= --- ---
Old class E669.1, locomotives for freight trains from Ostrava, 001-080 have 2610kW (Skoda 31E, 150 built, 56x CD)
182 91 54 7182 000 Co'Co' 5
1963 2790 345 90 E 3000V= --- ---
Old class E669.2, locomotives for freight trains from Ostrava (Skoda 59E, 168 built, 52x CD), plus historic locomotive nr. 182.168
210 91 54 7210 000 Bo'Bo' 9
1972 880 164 80 E 25kV 50Hz --- ---
Old class S458.0, similar to class 110, thyristor control (Skoda 51E, 74 built)
218 91 54 7218 000 Bo'Bo' 2
1972 880 164 80 ED 25kV 50Hz --- ---
Prototype dual mode locomotives for shunting duties rebuilt in 2008, nrs. 218.028 (384kW on diesel) and 218.102 (520kW)
230 91 54 7230 000 Bo'Bo' 54
1966 3080 320
110 E 25kV 50Hz --- ---
Old class S489.0, locomotives for freight trains, same as BDZ(BG) class 42 (Skoda 47E1-3, 110 built)
240 91 54 7240 000 Bo'Bo' 29
1968 3080 255 120 E 25kV 50Hz --- ---
Old class S499.0/1, universal locomotives (Skoda 47E4-6, 145 built)
242 91 54 7242 200 Bo'Bo' 40
1975 3080 240 120 E 25kV 50Hz --- ---
Old class S499.02, universal locomotives, second-hand from CD in 2022-2025 (Skoda 73E, 86 built)
340 91 54 7340 000 Bo'Bo' 3
1968 3080 255 120 E 15kV+25kV --- ---
Rebuilt from class 240 in 2004 for Ceske Budejovice-Summerau, 1200kW on 15kV
363 91 54 7363 000 Bo'Bo' 47 1980 3060 282/285 120 E 3000V=+25kV --- ---
Old class ES499.1, dual voltage, 3480kW on 3000V=, cc/asc, 18 more to be converted from class 163 (Skoda 69E, 181 built, 130x CD)
363.5 91 54 7363 500 Bo'Bo' 30 1984 3700 282
120 E 3000V=+25kV --- ---
Locomotives class 163 rebuilt for dual voltage and uprated to 3700kW by Pars nova Sumperk in 2010-2013 (Skoda 71Em) (up to 55 more to follow)
372 91 54 7372 000 Bo'Bo' 9 1991 3080 243 120 E 3kV=+15kV --- ---
Old class ES499.2, for international trains to Germany (=DB 180) (Skoda 76E, 15 built)
91 54 7383 000
Bo'Bo' 22
2017 6400 300 160 E 1.5+3+15+25kV
--- ---
New Vectron MS type electric locomotives from Siemens, nrs. 383 001-012 (originally type A01) and 013-022 (type A54, from 2024)
388 91 54 7388 000 Bo'Bo' 60
2021 5600 300 140 E 3kV=+15+25kV --- ---
3rd generation type TRAXX (MS3) electric locomotives from Bombardier for international services, nrs. 388 001-060 (16x in service 07/2023)
393 91 54 7393 000 Bo'Bo' 2
2023 6400 300 200
E 15kV+25kV
--- ---
Vectron AC type electric locomotives from Siemens with 180kW last mile engine (30km/h), for international freight
91 51 3160 419
Co'Co' 3
2013 5004 375
120 E 3000V= --- ---
Electric freight locomotives type E6ACT "Dragon" from NEWAG for operations in Poland, hired from ID(PL), nrs. E6ACT-002/004/016 (3160 419/421/433)
186 91 80 6186 360
Bo'Bo' 3
2010 5600 300 140 E 1.5+3+15+25kV --- ---
Quadruple voltage locomotives type TRAXX F140MS2e from Bombardier for international freight trains, nrs. 186 360/367/371 (Akiem)
187 91 80 6187 300
Bo'Bo' 2
2019 5600 300 140 ED 15kV+25kV
--- ---
Locomotives type TRAXX F140AC3 from Bombardier with last mile 230kW Deutz diesel engine, used in Austria, nr. 187 341/344 (Railpool)
189 91 80 6189 100
Bo'Bo' 4
2003 6400 300 140 E 1.5+3+15+25kV --- ---
4-voltage freight locomotives type ES64F4 from Siemens, hired from Akiem for international services (waiting for class 388), nrs. 153/154/156/159
91 80 6193 584
Bo'Bo' 6
2020 6400 300 160 E 1.5+3+15+25kV
--- ---
New Vectron MS type electric locomotives from Siemens, leased for 2021/2022, nrs. 193 584-586(Alpha), 758/760(ELL) and 5370 051(CU)
90 80 2248 082
Bo'Bo' 1
2024 2000

ED 15kV+Diesel
--- ---
Vectron Dual Mode electro-diesel locomotive from Siemens, 2400kW diesel engine, for use in Germany, nr. 248 082 (Northrail)

CD Cargo diesel locomotives and shunters

  Class NVR Number Axle Formula Number Year in Service Power [kW] Tractive Effort [kN] Max.Speed [km/h] Traction Type Voltage 1st class 2nd class
703 98 54 4703 000 B 2
1977 169 83 40 DH Diesel --- ---
Old class T212.1, small shunters in depots, nrs. 703.037/046 (52 built, 24x for CD)
704 98 54 4704 000 Bo 5 1992 250 103
65 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T234, modern class of shunters "Lego", nrs. 704.003/006/011/017/019 (20 built)
708 92 54 2708 000 Bo 13 1995 300 110
80 DE Diesel --- ---
Modern light locomotives mainly used for light freight trains, 3x rebuilt with Caterpillar engine, nrs. 708.004-013/701-703
709 92 54 2709 000 Bo 2
2006 403 110 80 DE Diesel --- ---
New shunting locomotives from CMKS/CZ LOKO "Effishunter", similar to ZS(Serbia) class 621-1
730 92 54 2730 000 Bo'Bo' 2
1985 600 205
80 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T457.0, for shunting and for local freight trains, 2 prototypes from 1978, 16 more stored, nrs. 730.015/016 (19 built)
731 92 54 2731 000 Bo'Bo' 51 1988 600 205
80 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T457.1, shunting and local freight locomotives (62 built)
742 92 54 2742 000 Bo'Bo' 131 1977 883 193 90 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T466.2, shunters and freight locomotives, 75x modernzed by CZ LOKO 2019-2022 (453 built)
742.7 92 54 2742 700 Bo'Bo' 126
1977 1000 189
100 DE Diesel --- ---
Locomotives class 742 rebuilt by CZ LOKO in 2010(1x) and 2020-2027(125x) with new body similar to class 731, nrs. 701/711-760/768-792/?
743 92 54 2743 000 Bo'Bo' 10 1987 800 205
90 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T466.3, same as class 742 but derated and with electrodynamical brake
744.1 92 54 2744 100 Bo'Bo' 10
2019 895 262
100 DE Diesel --- ---
New diesel locomotives type Effishunter 1000 from CZ LOKO based in Breclav, nrs. 744.110-114 and 120-124 (2021) (opt. +5x)
749 92 54 2749 000 Bo'Bo' 3
1964 1103 185 100 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T478.2, class 751 and 752 rebuilt in 1992-1996 with electric train heating (60x), nrs. 749.018/019/187
750 92 54 2750 000 Bo'Bo' 16
1968 1325 185 100 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T478.3, class 753 rebuilt with electric train heating in 1991-1995 (117x for CD), now spare duties only
751 92 54 2751 000 Bo'Bo' 1
1964 1103 185 100 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T478.1, locomotives used for freight trains (230 built + 9 rebuilt from 752, 84x for CD), replaced by class 753.7, nr. 751.219
751.3 92 54 2751 300 Bo'Bo' 1
1969 1103 185 100 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T478.2, non-rebuilt locomotives of old class 752 renumbered in 1995 (19x for CD), nr. 751.316
753.6 92 54 2753 600
Bo'Bo' 6
1968 1550 203 100 DE Diesel --- ---
Freight locomotives type EffiLiner 1600 rebuilt from CD class 750 by CZ LOKO in 2019, nrs. 753 613-618
753.7 92 54 2753 700 Bo'Bo' 30 1969 1500 202 100 DE Diesel --- ---
Locomotives class 750/753 rebuilt similar to prototypes class 755 in 2008-2010 (30x)
755 92 54 2755 000 Bo'Bo' 2 1969 1500 185
100 DE Diesel --- ---
Locomotives class 753 rebuilt by CMKS in 2005 (prototypes), similar to class 753.7
771 92 54 2771 000 Co'Co' 4
1968 993 240 90 DE Diesel --- ---
Old class T669.1, heavy diesel locomotives built in Slovakia, now used for shunting (195 built, 132x CD), nrs. 771.099/110/137/182
799 98 54 4799 000 B 8 1992 37 32
5/10 ED Diesel+Battery --- ---
Hybrid shunters in depots (diesel and battery), 19.5kW on battery, reconstructed from class 700-702 (41x rebuilt)

Last update: 24-02-2025