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appen1.jpg The Appenzell passenger car arrival at St Georges de Commiers. Nowadays, all exchanges between Railways are made by road, with low-floor trucks.
appen2.jpg The Apppenzell B242 passenger car at St Georges de Commiers station. The SGLM is the third owner of this car (first was Rhetisches Railways, and second Appenzeller Railways).
asd1.jpg The two-axles passengers cars (Aigle-Spey-Diablerets Railways) is going back to Switzerland !
avigno1.gif The Avignonet hydroelectric power plant, that is now deep under the water level of the recent EdF Monteynard-Avignonet artificial lake.
ballad1.jpg The open-air passenger car said "breack". This car was built by the SGLM works on a three-axles 15T coal-car.
ballad2.jpg Another view of this "breack" passenger cars (1993 open-house). The cars were pushed by a SECHERON electric locomotive.
bapi1.jpg Left, detail of the token exchange between two conductors (at La Motte-les-Bains station). Right, a view of a token.
charb1.jpg This picture shows what the operation looks like, when the coal was carried by the SGLM. In fact, it was taken few years ago, when Richard hoppers were sold to the Madagascar Railways.
cneige.jpg The SGLM rotary snow plough . It's quite sure that it will not be pleasant to stay in the cabin when snowing !
decau1.jpg The DECAUVILLE rail car at St Georges de Commiers.
decau2.jpg Another view of the DECAUVILLE rail car at St Georges de Commiers, roof platform ready to use.
deplm1.jpg A passenger tourist train (with LMG passenger cars) at La Mure's station.
depsg1.jpg Two non-SGLM engines at St Georges de Commiers: the diesel electric BRISSONNEAU LOTZ, and the rotary snow plough Z-450 (PLM).
echal1.jpg This old picture of the Challanches tunnels show the twin single contact lines.
fives1.jpg The steam locomotive n°4 (LA MOTTE) at FIVES-LILLE's works, in 1888.
fourlm1.jpg A three-axle luggage van at St Georges de Commiers station. Let's have a look at the brakeman's cabin.
garelm1.jpg The passenger building of La Mure's station. This was quite a standart on the PLM Railway.
glmbw1.jpg An old picture of a steam train at La Mure's station, at the end of the last century. Let's remark that the steam locomotive is towards (referring to the normal mode of operation: smoke stack behind, i.e.:
iso1.jpg An insulator between two basic sections.
iso3.jpg An old insulator with two porcelain spheres, and insulating ring.
iso4.jpg A standart for the electrification: concrete mast with metal bracket, turnbuckle, insulating ring and porcelain sphere, and double-claw on overhead line.
ligne01.jpg A train set with SGLM original electric SECHERON and passenger cars on the La Rivoire bridge. Below, the Monteynard-Avignonet lake.
ligne02.jpg The two Loula's viaducts. A trains set is waiting on upper Loulla viaduct.
ligne03.jpg The Grand Balcon, viewed from the other side of the lake.
ligne04.jpg A tourist consist (with SECHERON electrics) on the Grand Balcon.
ligne05.jpg A tourist consist on the lower Loulla's viaduct.
ligne06.jpg A consist coming out from the Brondes's tunnel, reaching the Grand Blacon.
ligne07.jpg A short train is waiting on the Vaulx's viaduct.
ligne08.jpg A consist with SGLM original SECHERON and passenger cars on the La Rivoire bridge. Below, the Monteynard-Avignonet lake.
ligne10.jpg A consist with SGLM original SECHERON and passenger cars on the La Rivoire bridge. Below, the Monteynard-Avignonet lake.
ligne11.jpg A consist with SECHERON electrics and LMG passenger cars on the upper Loulla's viaduct.
ligne13.jpg The Electrité de France dam of Monteynard-Avignonet, seen from a train.
ligne15.jpg The Electrité de France dam of Monteynard-Avignonet, seen from a train.
lmg-b30.jpg The LM-G passengers car B30 at St Georges de Commiers's station.
lulla1.jpg An old picture of the two Loulla's viaduct, before electrification.
lulla2.jpg An electric consist, pulled by a THURY electric locomotive, on the upper Loulla's viaduct.
marchat1.jpg The 1908 built car from the Martigny-Châtelard (M-C) swiss Railway.
minim.jpg The coal harvesting museum at La Motte d'Aveillans. The SGLM track goes along the - brand-new - head frame.
montey1.jpg An impressive view of what is underneath the water line of the Monteynard-Avignonet lake.
montey2.jpg Quite the same shot, but done when the Monteynard-Avignonet dam was under construction.
nscm1.jpg Inside view of a Nyon-St Cergue-Morez passenger car. An interesting old-timer atmosphere !
nscm2.jpg The electric motor car N-StC-M ABDe4/4 N°5 is arriving on SGLM's track at St Georges de Commiers.
nscm3.jpg Inside view of a Nyon-St Cergue-Morez passenger car. Another interesting old-timer atmosphere !
nscm4.jpg A consist with the electric power car N-St C-M ABDe4/4 N° 5 and the four-axle passengers cars B3 and B5 said "impériales" at St Georges de Commiers's station.
nscm6.jpg A four-axle passenger car "Impériale" N-StC-M at St Georges de Commiers's station.
rich1.jpg A two-axle hopper said "RICHARD" at St Georges de Commiers.
rich2.jpg An ex-SGLM hopper (re-build) on BVZ (Brigg - Visp - Zermatt / Switzerland) tracks.
rivo1.jpg The Grand Balcon before the dam of Monteynard-Avignonet's construction: a real "canyon" in the French Alps !
rivo2.jpg A THURY electric locomotive on the Rivoire Bridge. Let's remark combined passengers cars and freight cars in the consist.
roizo1.jpg The imposing Roizonne's bridge, on the La Mure - Gap section, nowadays abandonned to highway traffic.
secher1.jpg The electric SECHERON T10 (red-painted) at St Georges de Commiers's station.
secher2.jpg The electric SECHERON T9 at St Georges de Commiers. This one will stay green painted.
secher3.jpg Front-view of the SECHERON T9 at St Georges de Commiers's station.
secher4.jpg Inner view of the engineer's cab of the SECHERON T9.
secher5.jpg The electric SECHERON T6 is shunting at La Mure's station.
secher6.jpg A LMG consist, pulled by the T8, is arriving at St Georges de Commiers.
stgcm1.jpg> A very early view (circa 1885) of St Georges de Commiers's station.
ssta1.jpg> The power plant dispatching board at La Motte-les-Bains sub-station. From this point, the electrical engineer can supervise and control the entire network.
ssta2.jpg One of the 1200 VDC rotary converters (La Motte-les Bains sub-station).
ssta3.jpg Gauge panel and protection switchgears on marble walls (La Motte-les Bains sub-station)
ssta4.jpg Polyphased mercury-arc rectifiers (BBC) at La Motte-les-Bains.
ssta5.jpg An inner view of the mains rotary converters and machines. Front, you can see the old DC regulators and convertors.
stger1.jpg A motor driven high sided open freight cars, from St Gervais-Vallorcine (France) Railway. This car is not in operation on the SGLM.
stgerv1.jpg The rotary snow-plough Z-450 (from St Gervais-Vallorcine Railway) - St Georges de Commiers.
thury1.jpg The THURY prototype (N°1 / LE DRAC) at La Motte-les Bains, in 1904. Just have a look at the four roof current-collector bows !
thury2.jpg The electrics "Thury" N°2 (L'ISERE) at St Georges de Commiers's station, around 1906.
thoms1.jpg The electric power car THOMSON-HOUSTON A5 in 1934, at St Georges de Commiers locomotive works.
vaulx.jpg Vaulx's river viaduct, a few months after building.
vilare.jpg Main head frame of the "Huillères du dauphiné", at Le Villaret.
wheels1.jpg View of a SECHERON's wheel. The six springs of the elastic drive can easily be seen.
wheels2.jpg Lateral view of a SECHERON axle. Just look at the hollow shaft, and the angled drive crown gear.

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